Saturday, July 31, 2010

Kimmelman and Schlegel, 8/1/10

Sunday, August 1, at 7:30 pm
Spare Room presents
a poetry reading by

Burt Kimmelman
Rob Schlegel

Concordia Coffee House
2909 NE Alberta St., Portland

$5 suggested donation

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Polyvocal Poetry in Ladd's Circle! 7/18!

Spare Room presents

Portland Polyvocal Poetry

Sunday, July 18th
2:00-4:00 pm

Ladd Circle
(SE 16th & Harrison, between Hawthorne & Division)


Performers, poets, and friends will gather to test the capability of the poem as conversation. Many of the poems performed on Sunday will be from years past, and by poets no longer with us; others contemporary and presented by their authors. All will be performed by multiple voices, some by speaking or singing chorus, and several will include the opportunity for audience creativity and participation. Please bring your own refreshments and accommodations for seating (towels or folding chairs).

Compositions by

David Abel
Kathy Acker
Endi Bogue Hartigan
Crg Hill
Bethany Ides
Jackson Mac Low
Jesse Morse
Jacqueline Motzer
Charles Olson
mARK oWEns
Chris Piuma
Leslie Scalapino
Nico Vassilakis
Karl Young

arranged and performed by

David Abel
Alicia Cohen
Tina Frost
Endi Bogue Hartigan
Crg Hill
Lindsay Hill
Bethany Ides
Maryrose Larkin
Devin Lucid
Jesse Morse
Jacqueline Motzer
Morgan A. Ritter
Standard Schaefer
Michael Weaver
David Weinberg
James Yeary

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Tynes and Ides, tonight!

Sunday, July 11th, at 7:30 p.m.
Spare Room presents a poetry reading by

Bethany Ides
Jen Tynes

Concordia Coffee House
2909 NE Alberta St., Portland

$5 suggested donation