Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Peaches and Bats #8

Peaches and Bats #8

features poetry by

Jeff Alessandrelli
Norma Cole
Ray DeJesús
Nathan Hauke
Lauren Levin
Paul G. Maziar
Jesse Morse
Chris Nealon
Kate Schapira
Jen Tynes
Michael Weaver
Deborah Woodard
an interview with Norma Cole
drawings by Paul G. Maziar

64-page handsewn zine with letterpressed cover

(includes shipping in North America)

order via Paypal here:

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

my new chapbook from c_L

James Yeary's doomalicious and protean c_L press created this beautiful chapbook of a poem of mine called Lines on Canvas or What I Know or Have Seen of His Life. I'm so happy this exists.

You can read James's sweet blurb and instructions for ordering here at the Calendar of Catabolic Guilt.

(Also, this poem is part of a collection of landscape poems called Stand on this picnic bench and look north, forthcoming from Publication Studio. I guess I like long titles.)

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Peaches and Bats #8 launch reading, 7/13/11

Reading Frenzy and "The Firm and Aerie"
present a launch party for


with readings by
Paul G. Maziar
Jesse Morse
Michael Weaver

Wednesday, July 13
7:30 p.m.

Reading Frenzy
921 SW Oak St., Portland


Monday, July 4, 2011

new Airfoil chapbook!

bell-lloc, a book of eight eight-eight-syllable-line-stanza'd poems about Mallorca, the moon, and medieval macaronicism by the wonderful Chris Piuma, is available here.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Koeneke & Queequeg, 7/10/11

Sunday, July 10
at 7:30 pm
Spare Room presents a reading by

Rodney Koeneke
Queequeg (Daniel Comiskey & Ryan Tranum)

Open Space Cafe
2815 SE Holgate Boulevard, Portland

$5 suggested donation