Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Peaches and Bats was a handmade poetry magazine from 2006 to 2012. There were 10 issues; see links on sidebar for details. Several back issues are still available. Feel free to write to peachesandbats at gmail.

I hope to make PDFs available soon, and to start a new magazine once my kid is old enough to help me collate, fold, and sew.

Meanwhile, some things are happening here: (a blog)
Airfoil Chapbooks (edited by Sam Lohmann and David Abel)
Spare Room Reading Series

Want to buy my books? OK then. There's Stand on this picnic bench and look north (Publication Studio, 2011) and Unless As Stone Is (eth, 2014) and Day Use Area (Couch, 2014).

Thanks for looking!
--Sam Lohmann