Saturday, January 9, 2010


by Phoebe Wayne

All these microcurrents of wind - or - they’re coming from a direction I can hear - gossamer screen across the landscape - elsewhere - buffeting - truck brakes accepting the grade - projecting a compass rose - my effort - little moth, my head - up some carpeted - stairs to an apartment - a picture missive - sentiment - little window - noun - noun - another seat - glitter screen over scape - projecting an old - oblique map - the rose garden - nanocurrents of imaginary - nanocompass - scape grades blue to white - a grid across a landscape - of events - halflegible - rumor - or - lost language - county marks - guides - an elsewhere consisting of - fashion magazines - a museum feeling - tracking muscle memory - powders, gases, brushes - public nostalgias rolodexed, sold - where the perceived horizon enters - my every move through it - grinding down the grade - microfiber - socks up the stairs - or - wooden truck - elsewhere sentiment - rose in my throat - in my ears - I stoppered - the wind - into a landscape - gloss hours - missive buffeting - my little - moth effort - glitter net - net sentiment - halflegible - net grade - net hours - perceived compass rose - throat - I can hear - buffeting - up to slick rose stairs under - oiled socks - leaning page - downgrade - these trees blow around - my - stoppered ears - gloss hours overlay - the hillside - my ears - other windows - microwindows - nanogrades - some more - lost gusts I can hear - carpeted moths dotting an elsewhere, projecting - rose - oblique track blowing - into the trees - garden apartment - current landscape overlay - current nanosentiment - head grade - oiled wind - a direction coming up - a little noun - I brake - at the sound

(in Peaches and Bats 4)

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